Jack and Rose's smooch on the front deck of the Titanic is the best movie kiss of all-time, according to new research. 一项新探问表示,杰克和罗丝在泰坦尼克号船头船面上接吻的镜头是史上最棒的银幕之吻。
The tender moment between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's characters takes place seconds after Rose utters the infamous line, 'I'm flying' as Rose perches with her arms outstretched on the bow of the ship as Jack holds her tight. 当莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥扮演的杰克牢牢地环抱着凯特•温斯莱特扮演的罗丝时,罗丝站在船头展开双臂,说出了那句闻明的台词:“我在飞翔”。然后这柔好意思的一幕就出现了。
The scene from the Oscar-winning blockbuster fought off competition from Lady and the Tramp's canine canoodle over spaghetti and the kiss between Sam and Molly in Ghost. 《泰坦尼克号》中的接吻镜头打败了《密斯与流浪汉》心仪大利眼前的狗狗之吻以及《东谈主鬼情未了》中的山姆茉莉之吻。
Han Solo and Princess Leia's embrace in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back also featured in the top 50 greatest movie kisses. 《星球大战2:帝国反击战》中汉索罗和莱娅公主的拥吻也入选50大最好银幕之吻。
A spokesman for TLC, who conducted the research of 2,000 UK adults, said: 'Kisses are such a big part of movies so it's fascinating to see which ones have had the biggest impact. TLC电视台在2000名英国成年东谈主中发起了这项探问,该电视台发言东谈主称:“接吻是电影中的遑急场景,征询哪个接吻镜头最具影响力是很故原理的事情。”
Pretty Woman's fire escape kiss came fourth, followed by the snog at the end of Dirty Dancing - and Bridget and Mark's kiss in the snow in Bridget Jones's Diary. 《风月俏佳东谈主》中的防火梯之吻位列第四。紧随自后的是《辣身舞》片尾处的接吻镜头和《BJ光棍日志》中布丽奇特和马克的雪中之吻。
Spiderman's upside down smooch came seventh while the rain-soaked embrace between Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak in Breakfast at Tiffany's came eighth. 第七名是《蜘蛛侠》中的倒立接吻,而《蒂芬尼的早餐》中霍莉•戈莱特丽和保罗•瓦杰克的雨中拥吻位列第八。
Bella and Edward's first kiss in Twilight also appeared in the top 50, along with the 'you had me at hello' moment from Jerry Maguire and the elevator kiss in Romeo + Juliet. 贝拉和爱德华在《暮光之城》中的初吻也出当今榜单上。一同上榜的还有《甜心先生》中多萝西说出“当你说‘你好’的时就领有我了”那一刻的接吻镜头,以及《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的电梯之吻。
The scene where Ron and Hermione's finally kiss in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows featured too. 《哈利•波特与死一火圣器》中罗恩和赫敏最终亲吻的一幕也榜上有名。
While Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara's embrace in Gone with the Wind after he says the words 'you need kissing badly' came ninth. 而白瑞德在电影《飘》中说出“你卓绝需要一个吻”之后和斯嘉丽拥吻的镜头排在第九名。
Thirty percent of Brits said romantic films are their favourite type of movie to watch on a date – however over a quarter said they would feel awkward watching one on a first date. 30%的英国东谈主称爱情片是他们最心爱在齐集时不雅看的电影类型。而逾越25%的东谈主示意初度齐集就不雅看爱情电影让他们以为窘态。
Almost half of respondents think movie kisses are realistic and three in 10 said onscreen romance has influenced how they go about their love life. 约一半受访者认为银幕之吻是果然的,30%的受访者示意电影中的爱情对他们我方的爱情产生了影响。
A fifth of people reckon watching a film with a date which features a smooch or two, improves their chances of sharing a kiss at the end of the night. 20%的东谈主认为,齐集中不雅看一部有一两个接吻镜头的电影会增多齐集抛弃时接吻的可能性。
Forty six percent of respondents think it's possible to fall in love from the first kiss, while seven in 10 think first impressions count when comes to kissing. 46%的受访者认为在初吻中坠入爱河是可能的,而70%的受访者认为接吻时第一印象很遑急。
1. Titanic (kiss on the front deck of the Titanic) 《泰坦尼克号》(在泰坦尼克船头船面上的接吻镜头)
2. Lady and the Tramp (kiss at the restaurant) 《密斯和流浪汉》(在餐厅接吻的镜头)
3. Ghost (Sam kisses Molly before he passes over) 《东谈主鬼情未了》(山姆耗损前与茉莉接吻)
4. Pretty Woman (on the fire escape) 《风月俏佳东谈主》(防火梯之吻)
5. Dirty Dancing (kiss at the end) 《辣身舞》(片尾的接吻镜头)
6. Bridget Jones's Diary (Bridget kissed Mark in the snow) 《BJ光棍日志》(布丽奇特与马克的雪中之吻)
7. Spider Man (when Mary Jane kisses Peter Parker upside down on the roof) 《蜘蛛侠》(玛丽亲吻倒立在屋顶上的皮特)
8. Breakfast at Tiffany's (kiss in the rain at the end) 《蒂凡尼的早餐》(片尾的雨中之吻)
9. Gone With the Wind (when Rhett Butler kisses Scarlett O'Hara and says 'You need kissing badly') 《飘》(白瑞德说出“你卓绝需要一个吻”之后和斯嘉丽拥吻)
10. Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (Han Solo and Princess Leia's kiss) 《星球大战2:帝国反击战》(汉索罗和莱娅公主接吻的场景)
11. The Notebook (kiss in the rain) 《恋恋条记本》(雨中之吻)
12. An Officer and a Gentleman (kiss between Richard Gere and Debra Winger) 《军官与闻东谈主》(李察•基尔与德博拉•温格的接吻场景)
13. Shrek (kiss between Shrek and Princess Fiona which sees her turn into an all-ogre) 《怪物史瑞克》(史瑞克发现菲欧娜公主形成怪兽后与她接吻)
日本乱伦14. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Ron and Hermione finally kiss) 《哈利•波特与死一火圣器》(罗恩赫敏最终接吻的一幕)
15. Love Actually (Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon) 《真爱至上》(休•格兰特与玛汀•麦古基安接吻的镜头)
16. Casablanca (Ilsa asks Rick Blaine to 'Kiss me as if it were the last time') 《卡萨布兰卡》(伊尔莎对里克•布莱恩说“吻我。就像临了一次吻我。”)
17. Romeo + Juliet (kiss in the elevator) 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(电梯之吻)
18. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (telepathic link between E.T. and Elliott causes the latter to recreate the classic kissing scene from The Quiet Man (which E.T. is watching at home) in the classroom) 《E.T.外星东谈主》(E.T.和艾略特之间的心灵感应导致后者在教室里重现了《蓬荜今始为君开》(E.T.在家中看过这部电影)中的经典接吻镜头。)
19. It's a Wonderful Life (kiss between George Bailey and Mary) 《风浪东谈主物》(乔治•贝利和玛丽亲吻的镜头)
20. Pride and Prejudice (Elizabeth and Darcy kiss at the end) 《自尊与偏见》(片尾伊丽莎白和达西接吻的场景)
21. Twilight (Edward and Bella's first kiss in her bedroom) 《暮光之城》(爱德华在贝拉的卧室第一次吻她)
22. 50 Shades of Grey (Christian and Anna's kiss in the elevator) 《50度灰》(克里斯丁和安娜在电梯中接吻)
23. Raiders of the Lost Ark (with injured Indy not wanting Marion to tend to his wounds, she starts kissing the places that don't hurt - including his lips) 《夺宝奇兵》(受伤的琼斯博士不思让玛丽恩碰到他的伤口,于是玛丽恩就初始亲吻他不痛的场合——包括嘴唇)
24. Top Gun (Maverick and Charlie love scene) 《壮志凌云》(马弗里克和查莉的爱情戏)
25. Love Actually (Keira Knightley and Andrew Lincoln) 《真爱至上》(凯拉•奈特莉和安德鲁•林肯接吻的镜头)
26. From Here To Eternity (kiss between Milton Warden and Karen Holmes on the beach) 《浊世忠魂》(弥尔顿•沃登和凯伦•福尔摩斯在沙滩上亲吻的镜头)
27. From Russia With Love (James Bond and Tatiana Romanova's kiss) 《007之俄罗斯之恋》(詹姆斯•邦德和塔迪娜•罗曼诺娃接吻的镜头)
28. My Girl (first kiss) 《宝贝小情东谈主》(初吻)
29. The Princess Bride (when Buttercup realised Wesley wasn't dead) 《公主新娘》(巴特卡普发现卫斯理还在世时两东谈主亲吻的镜头)
30. Never Been Kissed (kiss on the baseball stadium) 《一吻定山河》(两东谈主在棒球场接吻的场景)
31. Back To The Future (kiss between George McFly and Lorraine Baines at the end of the movie) 《回到改日》(乔治•麦克弗莱和洛林•贝恩斯在片尾的接吻镜头)
32. Rocky (kiss between Rocky Balboa and Adrian Pennino) 《洛奇》(洛奇•巴尔博和艾黛丽安•彭尼诺的接吻镜头)
33. Cruel Intentions (Kathryn kisses Cecile on the lawn) 《危急性游戏》(凯瑟琳在草坪山亲吻塞西尔)
34. Princess Diaries (kiss in the garden at the end) 《公主日志》(片尾两东谈主在花坛中亲吻的镜头)
35. Brokeback Mountain (kiss on the mountain) 《断背山》(两东谈主在山上亲吻的将头)
36. When Harry Met Sally... (Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan's kiss at the end) 《当哈利遭遇莎莉》(比利•克里斯托和梅格•瑞恩在片尾的接吻镜头)
37. From Here to Eternity (kiss on the beach) 《浊世忠魂》(两东谈主在海滩上亲吻)
38. Breakfast Club (when Claire kissed John at in the parking lot) 《早餐俱乐部》(克莱儿在泊车场亲吻约翰)
39. The Goonies (Mikey Walsh and Andy Carmichael's accidental kiss in the dark) 《七宝奇谋》(迈克•沃尔什和安迪•卡迈克尔在昏黑中不严防亲吻到对方)
40. SPECTRE (Daniel Craig and Monigca Bellucci's kiss) 《007:阴魂党》(丹尼尔•克雷格和莫妮卡•贝鲁奇的接吻镜头)
41. Jerry Maguire ('You had me at hello' kiss) 《甜心先生》(“当你说‘你好’的时就领有我了”那一刻的接吻镜头)
42. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Indiana Jones and Alison Doody's kiss) 《夺宝奇兵》(印第安纳•琼斯和艾利森•杜迪的接吻镜头)
43. The Quiet Man (kiss in the rain) 《蓬荜今始为君开》(雨中之吻)
44. Amelie (Amelie and Nino Quincampoix exchange playful kisses) 《天神爱秀丽》(艾米莉和尼诺•坎康普瓦的开顽笑之吻)
45. The Godfather Part II (kiss of death between Michael and Fredo Corleone) 《教父2》(迈克尔和弗莱多•克里昂的死一火之吻)
46. To Catch A Thief (kiss between Conrad Burns and Frances Stevens 《捉贼记》(康拉德•彭斯和弗朗西斯•史蒂文斯的接吻镜头)
47. The Fault in Our Stars (first kiss) 《星运里的错》(初吻)
48. Atonement (Keira Knightley and James McAvoy's kiss) 《赎罪》(凯拉•奈特利和詹姆斯•麦卡沃伊的接吻镜头)
49. Clueless (Paul Rudd and Alicia Silverstone's kiss) 《独领风流》(保罗•路德和艾丽西亚•西尔维斯通的接吻镜头)
50. Lost In Translation (kiss between Bob Harris and Charlotte) 《迷失东京》(鲍勃•哈里斯和夏洛特的接吻镜头)
英文泉源:逐日邮报 翻译&剪辑:董静 审校:yaning丝袜美腿图